Wednesday 8 July 2015



Berbalik kisah kat Phnom Penh, reason sebenar datang sini actually bukan nak melancong ke apa, tapi ada misi besar yang nak dicapai..hehe.. Walaupun, DH just join as one of the volunteers je, tapi still i got big responsibility towards the event.

So, petang tu kiterang pakat2 ke site untuk settlekan apa yang patut. Tomorrow is the big day, and kite semua harapkan it will be successful event la. From hotel ke site tak jauh sangat, so naik bas gerak ke site. Site kat KM9, which is actually kampung orang2 Islam kat situ.

Dalam bus nak ke site.

Ok, ni gambar nak otw balik from site actually.

That our hospital in progress. :)

Settle and clean up the hospital for the big event tomorrow.

Dah sudah kemas apa yang patut, then we head for dinner. Special dinner tonight atas Mekong River Cruise  tau..heehe.. Ada few cruise je yang prepare halal foods, so make sure check dulu before makan ye. Kiteorang ritu abg Zul yang uruskan semua.

Cruise level bawah, makan kat level atas.

Excited nak makan ni!! :D

View dari atas cruise. 
Menu special: 'Lembu naik bukit'

Hungry me eat a lot!! 

Dah kenyang, balik hotel tidur. So, esok is the big event!! Woohooo..


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